Mount BoardWe carry over 80 colours of Nielsen Bainbridge Mount Board in stock.
Wood MouldingsWe have access to over 1000 wood mouldings to suit every requirement. We stock 200 of the most popular styles and have weekly deliveries to support our target for producing frames within one week.
Metal MouldingsWe supply aluminium mouldings in numerous profiles and colours.
GlassFor the majority of commissions we use 2mm Float Glass. This is a cost effective solution . Where reflection is a problem (eg where there is very bright light) we have Diffused Reflection Glass (more commonly known as non-reflective glass). This is also very cost effective but can obscure the picture.
For valued or precious items that need extra protection we can offer TruVue Conservation Glass. As the name suggests it conserves the item on display, protecting it from harmful sunlight (UV rays). AcrylicWhere weight is an issue we have Clear Acrylic and UV Clear acrylic. These are both lightweight products that have the added advantage of being shatterproof.
We also stock Ready Made Frames for items with standard dimensions. Confused?As you can see, there are a number of different and possibly confusing products to choose from and the list is by no means exhaustive. We pride ourselves on making sure we understand your needs in order to provide the right product. We are happy to help, just pop in and ask!
But if you really want more detail… continue reading below. |
The facing of your image is very important so we offer a variety of glass and acrylic according to needs.
GlassFloat glass
This is the most commonly used overlay. It is generally 2mm thick and has a greenish tinge. It is very popular because it is good quality, fine for most people and is cost effective. However it’s UV rating* is only 47%. Diffused Reflection glass (Also known as Non-Reflective Glass) This is a float glass that has been ‘etched’ to reduce reflection. It is very cost effective but it reduces the image quality. We would be very careful about recommending this. We do stock it and are happy to supply it. TruVue Conservation Clear® Conservation Clear® picture framing glass offers the highest level of UV protection available in the industry. Conservation Clear glass effectively blocks up to 99% of UV light rays* to protect against fading and help keep framed pieces brighter, longer. TruVue Conservation Reflection Control® This glass has a matte like finish to reduce reflection but does not noticeably reduce the quality of the image. Krystall AR Glass Krystall AR is a specialist glass offering perfect clarity and reflection-free, neutral viewing, incorporating a 70% UV filter. Created using a highly advanced manufacturing process, the anti-reflective coating virtually eliminates all reflections, making the glass appear invisible providing an unobstructed view of framed artwork. AcrylicClear Acrylic
Where Float Glass is inappropriate (eg too heavy) Clear Acrylic is and excellent alternative and does not break easily. UV* Clear Acrylic This is an upgraded version of Clear Acrylic which has added UV* protection. *Over time, exposure to indoor and outdoor Ultra Violet(UV) light rays can contribute to fading and deterioration of art, photographs and other important personal keepsakes. The rating of products varies but the best rating is 99%. Products with high ratings tend to be more expensive and are best used for important, sentimental, precious, valuable or rare items that need the ultimate protection. |